Process, system and workflows.

For doing smart business, in the digital age.

With over 15 years experience in process, software, workflow and customer journey design, Digitise is here to help your business run leaner and smarter, delivering a consistent service to each customer, at every touchpoint.

We’ll be sure to bring your most important asset, your staff, along on the journey toward digital transformation.

Utilising smart process and digital tools in your business is not only important, it’s necessary for savvy operations in today’s business world.

We get it, you need to get more done, in less time.

Implementing new ways of doing things, and handy tools to do business with, requires buy-in from your staff. We train and support your team to make sure that your investment is worthwhile.


We support SMEs to become more profitable, through use of smart systems, workflow and process design that can be used every day within the business. Saving you time, and unnecessary work overload.

We’ve saved NZ businesses over

400+ hours each per year!

Let’s meet virtually or in person and discuss your business needs.


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